Step One
Step One provides training material for faculty/staff. The training materials include learning objectives, slide decks, scripts, assignments, supporting material, potential collaboration partners, as well as information on how to best develop workshops for that particular subject area.
Next Step professionals will work closely with your institution to select the best training materials for your student population and delivers them in a way that provides ease of navigation and use.
Ten workshops are provided at the base price, more workshops can be added for additional cost (see the Dance Card). The core workshops have been selected based on research and student feedback. Your institution should select five electives to support the core based on your student population and needs.
Core Workshops:
Health Insurance/Job Benefits
Navigating the Job Search
Developing Independence
Communicative Professionalism
Elective Workshop (choose five, more from the Dance Card):
Career Fair Preparation
International Work & Travel
Non-Profit Work
Time Management & Calendaring
Virtual Meetings
Staying Connected as an Alumnus
Discovering Purpose & Passion
Relocation and Building Community
Community Engagement & Philanthropy
Navigating and Comparing Offers
Online Presence/Personal Branding
Offer Negotiation
Tax Basics
Retirement & Investments
Personal Budgeting
Sexual Harassment/Gender Violence
The First 6 Months
Working Across Generations
Step One should also utilize the Next Step text, which provides support to students as they make their way through the Next Step program. This text is offered through Kendall Hunt at $20/text.
Step One is a $5,000 investment.